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HomePositions-Comprehensive Planning

Comprehensive Planning


Revised 2008, 2016
The League supports a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative planning process. We support the Area Plan Commission (APC), the agency established by the six governmental entities in Tippecanoe County (two cities, the county, three town boards), in carrying out this process. We emphasize the need for a qualified professional staff to serve the APC in advising local elected officials.


  • Continuing - refers to the periodic need to re-evaluate and update a plan to reflect current best use practices, changing technology, and citizen input.
  • Comprehensive - is defined as including, but not limited to, many basic elements, for example:
  • Economic factors;
  • Sustainable land use and energy practices;
  • Population and demographics;
  • Transportation facilities and patterns, including rail and mass transit;
  • Financial resources;
  • Social and community values such as parks and recreational facilities, preservation of open space, river corridor enhancement and sustainable development, preservation of historical sites and buildings, aesthetics, and especially protecting the environment (e.g. water and air quality, wetland preservation, farmland preservation, minimizing sprawl);
  • Implementation measures such as zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, and building codes.
  • Cooperative - includes cooperation among all levels of government, agencies within governments, educational organizations, and citizens.


Many goals expressed in national, state, and local League positions are an essential part of the planning process and are intertwined with comprehensive planning and land use