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HomePosition-Domestic and Relationship Violence

Domestic and Relationship Violence


Position History: 
Adopted 1994, Revised 2007, Amended 2009, Revised 2011
LWVGL advocates the implementation of programs to prevent domestic and relationship violence and supports measures which protect victims and survivors of such violence through uniform quality law enforcement, human services intervention, and safe housing. Furthermore, healthy relationship education and conflict management training are necessary to prevent domestic and relationship violence.

To ensure the above, adequate funding for human services providers is necessary to meet the special needs of victims of domestic and relationship violence.

Transitional housing (a facility with on-site staff to provide housing immediately after emergency shelter) is needed for victims of domestic and relationship violence. A transitional housing facility could include security-protected living arrangements, semi-dependent living, as well as available emotional support, childcare, and assistance in arranging personal affairs. In addition, assistance is needed for those individuals seeking independent living.

LWVGL supports requests and proposals of agencies and organizations that seek federal, state, local and private funding to provide transitional housing and other needs for victims of domestic and relationship violence.